Remove The Guesswork From Fitness And Find out Your EXACT BODY COMPOSITION With Our 30 Minute DEXA Scan & Metabolism Test!

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Only $255 $295

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Looking to start a health or fitness journey... but don't know where to begin?

Our DEXA scan will take out all of the guesswork and procrastination you're probably going through. How...

  • Find out exactly how much fat & muscle is on your body🥩

The DEXA scan looks beyond weight and BMI to show you your exact lean mass and fat mass using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry technology.

  • Discover the precise areas where you store this fat & muscle🔍

The DEXA scan calculates the total lean mass and fat mass in each area of your body; right arm, left arm, trunk, abdomen, hips, left leg, right leg.

  • Understand how fast or slow your metabolism is🔥

The DEXA allows us to work out the exact amount of calories your body needs on a daily basis to either lose weight or gain weight. This allows you to build the most accurate nutrition plan suited to your goal and lifestyle.

  • Detect how much visceral fat you have👀

This is the dangerous type of fat that surrounds your organs and cannot be seen by the naked eye. High levels of visceral fat are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.

  • Every measurement you need to start a fitness journey or breakthrough a plateau📈

If your goal is to lose fat, wouldn't it be helpful to know how much fat you actually have and where you store it? The same goes for building muscle, how do you know if you're actually building muscle? (Hint - the DEXA will tell you!)

  • The gold standard test for body composition🥇

The DEXA scan is widely regarded as being the most proven and reliable technologies for measuring body composition. The RMR test will measure your exact metabolism.
  • Non-invasive & safe✅

DEXA scans do subject you to small amounts of radiation. A whole body scan produces a level of radiation equivalent to flying by airplane from New York to California.

What happens after my tests?

You’ll receive access to your personalized Fitnescity dashboard. Review your data and learn exactly what your numbers mean. Still have questions? You'll also get the chance to book a complimentary 20-minute follow-up call with an independent physician.

  • complimentary followup call with an independent physician👨‍⚕️

  • Get all your questions answered❓

  • Actually understand the science behind your body👩‍🔬

  • Know exactly where you are and what you need to work on to reach your goal🎯

  • compare progress to previous or future scans/tests📈

What's it like to get a DEXA scan?

Where In Miami Are You Located?

4100 Salzedo St, Coral Gables, FL 33146, USA

As seen on...


What Does A DEXA Scan Show?

A DEXA scan is the most accurate method of measuring body fat percentage. It will provide a reading of your precise fat mass, lean mass and % body fat for each area of your body. It will estimate the amount of visceral fat, which is the fat around your organs and is associated with inflammation, cardiovascular disease & diabetes. It will also give you a bone density reading. This is not clinical, however it will be a good indication of whether or not you are close to osteoporosis or in a healthy range.

FAQ image

Why Book Through Fitnescity?

By booking with Fitnescity, you receive easy-to-understand digital insights, a personalized dashboard that allows you to view your progress over time, and a physician follow-up call so you can go over your results in depth. DEXA orders are also managed directly by Fitnescity at no additional charge. Our network of independent physicians will process your order seamlessly online, so you don't have to visit your local doctor.

When Do I Receive My Results?

Within 2 business days.

How Do I Access My Results Dashboard?

When your results are ready, you will receive an email titled “Welcome to Fitnescity! Your results are ready!” from Click “View my Results” to access your dashboard. 

Do I need A GP Referral?

Some states do require a physician referral in order to get a DEXA scan for body composition. However, we know that going to the doctor can be time-consuming and expensive, so we are happy to provide referral orders for our customers at no additional cost!

Is It Dangerous?

Please note that DEXA scans do subject you to small amounts of radiation.  A whole body scan produces a level of radiation equivalent to flying by airplane from New York to California.

© Fitnescity 2023